August 26, 2008

AeroGarden Seed Kit

AeroGarden Seed Kit

Price:$19.95 Product Description

Designed for use with AeroGrow's ingenious AeroGarden Garden Kit--an herb, bean, pea, flower, and veggie cultivator proven by NASA to be the fastest growing system on (and off) the planet--this seed kit lets you raise beautiful cascading petunias right in the living room, office, or classroom--year round with no dirt, no chemicals, and no mess. The petunia seed kit includes AeroGrow's specially designed seed pods, plus plant nutrients for a full season of multi-colored petunias. A tending and harvesting guide takes you through each step of the growing process. Flowers bloom just 30 days from planting with big, colorful blossoms, which continue blooming for four months; brightening the home or office space through any season.

How these clever seed kits work: Each pod in the kit contains a pre-seeded grow sponge that absorbs just the right balance of air and water the young seedling needs for healthy growth. Specialized nutrient tablets are included for use in a specified order. These time-release tablets contain specific micro and macro nutrients each plant needs, plus seaweed and AeroGrow's patented secret ingredient that keeps tap water acidity at the perfect level. For variety seed packs, pod placement is clearly mapped out inside the box so you never lose track of which plant is which. And, pod labels make it easy to identify plants, helping to optimize humidity for strong, healthy, and amazingly fast germination. Again, the included tending and harvesting guide tells you everything you need to know to successfully cultivate--recipes are even included with herb and lettuce seed kits!

Other AeroGarden seed kits available on include: salad greens, gourmet herbs, chili peppers, cherry tomatoes, and several types of basil. The AeroGarden Garden Kit and shelving accessories are available at as well.

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